2010年9月23日 星期四







金融海嘯至今,全球在經濟上幾乎顛倒過來。日前《明報》的標題〈訂8大目標 5年出口翻倍〉,略去裏面的「美」字,還以為是社會主義國家搞五年計畫。

〈離婚潮 辦證現人龍〉的標題並非說南京學美國賭城拉斯維加斯,以結婚和離婚手續最快為招徠,以致全大陸的人都湧去辦事。原來,傳說拆遷補償按戶數計算。換言之,夫婦離婚可收雙份。拆遷費相當於一般人好幾年的薪水。若此,假離婚後收錢再復婚也就成為「常理」。而且,最後,夫妻裏,離可能比不離還要多,光明正大,沒有面子問題

就內地人為什麼突然有那許多錢,《蘋果》日前的標題或可說明一二〈「公司派1.2萬現金、8000旅行獎金……」 白領網上狂曬中秋福利〉。企業大賺,機關外快多,惠及員工。而由此可想而知,中上層的『領導』就更盤滿缽滿。出境掃貨的大軍大概就是這樣來的。



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Buyers Send iPhones on a Long Relay to ChinaBy NICK BILTON
Published: September 22, 2010
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LinkedinDiggMixxMySpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalink. They show up in the early-morning hours: Chinese men and women, waiting silently and somewhat nervously outside of Apple stores in New York. On some days the lines they form can be a block long.

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Michael Appleton for The New York Times
A store in Chinatown offers to buy and unlock the iPhone 4.
Times Topic: iPhone
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Nick Bilton/The New York Times
Customers in line to buy phones at an Apple store in SoHo. Some of the phones will be resold to end up on the streets of China.
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These are not typical Apple fans. Instead they are participants in a complex and curious trade driven by China’s demand for Apple’s fashionable gadgets — products that are made in China in the first place and exported, only to make the long trip back.

Participants in New York and Shanghai say the process works like this: People wait in line at an Apple store to buy the newest iPhone for $600, paying a premium to skip the AT&T contract. They then sell the phones to middlemen, usually at electronics stores in Chinatown, for about $750.

The phones are shipped off to China, where the iPhone 4 is not yet on sale, and are distributed to local shops and e-commerce sites, where they sell for as much as $1,000. Once the phones have been “unlocked” to break their ties to AT&T, they can be used with local carriers.