2016年11月20日 星期日

161120日晨26°C 76%:趁佢病攞佢命?

   特朗普爆冷,中方加快超美?預期美行保護主義,謀以無美的區域全面經濟夥伴協定(RCEP)取代奧巴馬主導無中的跨太平洋夥伴關係協定(TPP)(圖取自AD)。Good luck!
   崇光門外車禍的LA翻版:華人town Monterey Park有亞裔婦駕車衝上行人路撞倒3人。案中4人都是70歲左右。這個華人長者城,來自中港台的比例是多少?

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Em, Dr Tsui is a keyboard keen user especially in Chinese word processing, right? I guess so.
You see world issues in a modern manner trend. You probably a trendy man, right? Always using keyboard better let your mind have resting time, like blank cheques, not having any ideas for some times.
You can take some opportunities to compete for Chinese word processsing gold, first place. You should know typing Chinese traditional words being in small scope scene because tiny HK, Macau and Taiwan competitors are included a less portion. Mainland Chinese only know how to type simplified one in super speed.
Is it a winning tip for your leisure enjoyment other than only on political issues.